Do I need to workout on keto?
YES. You need to train your muscles to be insulin sensitive and raise growth hormone.
Will the ketogenic diet guarantee fat loss?
NO. Everyone’s genetics and metabolic health is different. It is important to lower inflamation in the body first.
Is getting to bed by 10PM better for my keto adaptation?
YES. When people stay up too late they produce cortisol which can block your keto adaptation, raise cortisol, and blood sugar via gluconeogenesis.
Is macro type and timing for keto adaptations?
Yes. Knowing the types of macronutrients your genetics require and the timing is critical in keto adaptation.
Can I eat a little processed carbs and still keto adapt?
No. Eating even just little cookie can take you out of your keto adaptation.
Can pregnant women eat low-carb, high fat?
YES. With the right macro percentages, sleep and lifestyle adjustments with a good overall good health it can be safe.
Can kids eat keto?
YES. With the right macro percentages and a clean bill of health by your family doctor.
Can I eat cheese, almonds, intermittent fast, water fast, or drink caffeine?
Does eating low-carb, high fat clog your liver?
No. but a normal functioning liver will do a better job at converting ketones.
Can I damage my kidney consuming protein on keto?
NO. Keto is about quality grass fed organic meats, and moderate to low amounts of protein.
Can I intermittently fast right away?
NO. You can put stress on your thyroid, adrenals and sex hormones if you fast too soon. Wait 3 months.
Can I lose strength in my sport on Keto?
YES/NO. You become stronger once you enter Ketosis. And lose strength by doing Keto the wrong way.
Do I need supplementation to Keto adapt?
YES/NO. You can supplement through real food or real food supplementation. Although Magnesium is the most import mineral to have on Keto.
Can type 2 diabetics do the Ketogenic diet?
YES. Please ensure you are monitored by your family doctor.
Can keto help kids with autism?
The high fat diet low carbohydrate diet is great food for the growing mind of a child suffering from Autism. It is also important to heal the gut and liver of Autistic children
Is the Ketogenic diet good for children with Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.)?
YES. Many children act out in the presence of too much carbohydrate, soy, corn and wheat.
Can I re-feed or carb cycle on the Ketogenic diet while trying to enter Ketosis?
NO/Yes. If you are trying to reach a high level of Ketosis it’s important to not reefed during the first 3 months. If you are not adapting based on too much cortisol and elevated glucose then please re-feed.
Can I eat vegetable carbs while on Keto?
YES. Just fibrous vegetables as well as fermented sauerkraut is suggested up to 15g per day on the keto diet.
Is ketosis good for cancer treatment?
YES. It can slow down and even stop the feeding of cancer cells.
Can I eat all fruit on the ketogenic diet?
NO/YES. Only low glycemic fruits like avocado, olives and lemons for the first 2 months of keto adaptation are allowed.
Can I eat all nuts?
NO. It is mildly suggested to eat macadamia nuts for the low-carb high fat value.
Can Type-1 Diabetics do a ketogenic diet?
NO/YES. A doctor must monitor your Ketones. It is very important a type 1 Diabetic’s Ketones don’t become acidic via the lack of producing insulin.
Is My Fitness Pal or Keto calculator recommended to track your progress?
NO. Tracking your progress can create a stress response blocking Keto Adaptation.
Can pregnant woman eat a low-carb, high fat diet?
YES. At your own risk. There is no proven study revealing that Ketosis is bad for pregnant women or newborns.
Can low-carb hurt my thyroid?
YES/NO. Not if you pre- balance your thyroid hormones, liver and colon detox first. It is also important to go slowly on trying Keto carbohydrates. Initially we drop down to 100g for a few weeks and then lower it to 20 or 15g. People who do not repair the inflammation first, can exacerbate a thyroid disorder.
Can eating so much fat block your arteries and lead to heart disease?
NO/YES. When you eat healthy fats it can actually improve your cardiovascular health. NOTE it is important for people with current heart disease to get approval from their doctor prior to trying keto. Your arteries may be too unstable, depending on prior damage.
Can egg yolks raise my LDL small particles causing high cholesterol?
NO. Egg yolks are made of a dietary cholesterol important for sex hormone function and brain health.
Can I drink coffee, soda or caffeinated drinks like tea, coke or eat chocolate on keto?
NO. In the first 3 months no caffeine. It can block Keto Adaptation and put stress on your adrenals.
Is a glucometer important to Keto Adapt?
NO/YES. A glucometer is a GREAT tool but is not mandatory.
Can keto raise my sex drive?
YES/NO. Increasing your saturated fats deliver the building blocks of sex hormones. You also need to get Xenoestrogens and soy out of your diet. You also need to cleanse your liver and workout.
Can Keto lower my high blood sugar or insulin resistance?
YES in time. By lowering your carbs between 15 & 20g and increasing your fats with no limit, you are no longer suffering from blood sugar dysregulation.
Can I do H.I.T.T. training on Keto?
YES. As long as you do 30 second full bursts followed by 2 minute slow H.I.I.T.
Can I breast feed on Keto?
YES. Breast milk is over 50% fat. New borns are typically in Ketosis.
Can you bodybuild and power lift eating a Ketogenic diet
YES. Ketosis has a muscle sparing effect. It is an anabolic lifestyle.
Can women on Keto have low body fat close to 10% and still be healthy?
YES. Because you are eating high fat you are giving your sex hormones the building blocks for hormone health.
do I need to take supplements?
YES/NO. It’s important to get enough potassium, sodium, magnesium and probiotics. You can get it from real food or supplmentation.
Can people with gallbladder disease do Keto?
YES. You can only manage large percentages of mct fats like: coconut oil, butter and MCT oil.
Can I drink alcohol on Keto?
NO. Not for the first 3 months.
Can I drink milk, yogurt and cottage cheese on Keto?
NO. There are too many carbohydrates and casein in dairy.
Can I eat almond flour baked goods on Keto?
NO. There are too many carbohydrates. Try coconut flour.